Filtered Options
High Frequency Noise Filters
Commonly referred to as "Hocks Noise Breakers", these custom fit devices are made with medical grade high-strength silicone material. These devices contain a patented acoustical chamber and filter that will attenuate sound to appropriate levels in the work place or on the range.
SoundGear Filtered Custom Earplugs
Commonly referred to as musician or industrial earplugs, these custom fit devices are made with medical grade high-strength silicone material that attenuate across all frequencies rather than just low-and mid-range frequencies. By attenuating across all frequencies, these plugs allow music and environmental sounds to be heard much clearer and more naturally. We have made these available with multiple filter options (interchangeable) including a 10 dB, 17 dB, 26 dB, impulse or total block filter.